Half Turn on Pink Brianna Beam

Beam turns can be scary, why not use the sturdy Brianna Beam to develop great turns.

Handstand Back Handspring Combination on Laser Beam

Connection troubles? Try the laser beam to give a visual during the connection of beam skills.

Handstand Split Hold

Finding handstand while split on beam is so important and this set up helps the athlete find it on a side station.

Home Training Beam Set-up

The Laser Beam Lite is perfect to perfect your skills at home and can easily stack on panel mats to add height.

Side Handstand Body Shaping Drill

Verticle in a side handstand on beam can be scary for young athletes but this solo station makes it not only possible but fun.

Strong Kicks with Sliders

Forward and Side skills require a strong kick to take the athlete over the top, this slider drill gives immediate feedback to the athlete.

Training Jumps and Leaps on the Hopscotch Beam Mat

Beam jumps and leaps can be taught and perfected on the floor using the hopscotch mat beam line. Fun and safe- see how far you can go.

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