Front Layout Progression for Beginners

Using spotting blocks to create a channel is a great way to teach a front layout.

Front Layout Shaping for Beginners

Front Handpsrings over a resi pit are a great way to start a front layout.

Glide N Grab

Toes up and out on a glide- how about a mountain of a challenge with this drill.

Glide Swings using Jr. Bar PRO and Forster Bar

Glide swings for shape with 2 points of contact help the body to understand the tension needed- have fun.

Half Turn on Pink Brianna Beam

Beam turns can be scary, why not use the sturdy Brianna Beam to develop great turns.

Hands and Feet Guides for Forward Rolls

Visual aides are vital for teaching skills, using Hands and Feet to help the athlete know what is expected makes skill learning faster and more successful.

Handstand Bridge Kickover for Beginners

Handstand to bridge on a raised surface is a great first drill for the kickover.

Handstand Flatback Drill

Heel drive- use the Air Barrel, Pit Pillow and have fun creating a fast turn over for the flatback.

Handstand Forward Roll from Incline

Beginners love the handstand forward roll, this drill is a fun side station- by putting the feet far away you encourage a straight arm roll.

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