Wrist Shifts for Giants using Forster Bar

Start in pre-team and you will be amazed when they need to shift on bars. Fun and no need to spot.

Wrist Shift and Shaping for Giants

Start in pre-team and you will be ready for giants on bars when needed. Fun and no need to spot.

Using Bar Wall for Clear Hips

Need to get numbers in? This is a perfect side station for athletes to achieve clear hips.

Using a Stable Base for Front Toss Training

Front Toos on P-bars- this set up is soft and forgiving for the athlete who is just learning.

Upside Down Shoot Through

Let gravity be your friend- hang upside down and teach the shoot through.

Undershoot Dismount on 5-in-1 Bar System

Athletes won't drop their hips in this drill, create a great undershoot shape confidently on the 5 in 1 bar.

Tkatchev Hip and Shoulder Drill

Working drills for big skills is fun, this is easy to setu up and safe to begin with younger athletes.

Stutz for Beginners

Stutz training- a safe station for teaching both for the athlete and the coach.

Stride Circle on Training Bar

No need for a regulation bar to master the stride circle, this works great.

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