Backwards Bean Bag Grab

Tackle the fear of going backward with the Air Barrel and Bean Bags.

Bar Shaping and Tapping Drill

Understand the arch and hollow shape on bars quickly with this sensory station.

Basic Bar Strengthening

Hanging around- make it a challenge with different shapes and grips.

Beam Round Off for Beginners

Round offs on balance beam are tough, so start with this fun side station- work the hand and head placement easily.

Beginner Stalder Compression and Entry Drill

Compression- quick hip rotation- this station has both and can be started early to teach the body how to stalder.

Beginners Board Punching Drill

Learning to punch the board with a tight body and correct shape is a must and this drill will help get them there.

Beginners Forward Roll Drill

No hands down at the end of a forward roll, no problem, just use the hands on the wall for a quick high 5.

Beginners Press Handstand Progression

Simple and effective press handstand circuit can be used daily, easy set up and no spotting required.

Beginners Press to Handstand Drill

Presses are awesome but building them takes work, this simple but effective drill works wonders.

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